NTQ Testing
Not only study and be successful, if the job is right for you and try your best you will get reasonable result
Qualification Testing Category
- Craftsman
- no requirements
- Industrial Engineer
- craftman +1-year work experience
- 2-year work experience
- college graduate
- Industrial Engineer
- craftman +1-year work experience
- 2-year work experience
- college graduate
- Engineer
- craftman +3-year work experience
- University graduate +4-year work experience
- 4-year work experience
- college graduate +2-year work exprience
- industrial engineer +1-year work exprience
- Professional Engineer
- Engineer +4-year work experience
- University graduate +6-year work experience
- 9-year work experience
- college graduate +8-year work exprience
- Industrial Engineer
- craftman +1-year work experience
- 2-year work experience
- college graduate
- Master Craftsman
- Industrial engineer (craftsment) + completion of master craftsman’s training course
- Industrial engineer +5year work experience
- craftsman +7-year work experience
- 9-year work experience