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Not only study and be successful, if the job is right for you and try your best you will get reasonable result

Greetings from president of HRD-korea

Entrusted to develop Korea's human resources, HRD-Korea provides comprehensive services for the development of vocational skills, qualifications testing, skills promotion, international cooperation and foreign worker employment support.

Our organization strives to meet the current and future needs of HR through lifelong skills development programs befitting the ever changing information based society and the establishment of a qualifications testing system which provides industry with certified and reliable skilled HR. In addition, HRD-Korea has been increasing international cooperation so that Korea can truly become a hub linking the labor markets for today's global society.

Looking towards the future, HRD-Korea will continue to enhance qualifications testing and certification services through Q-Net, listen to the suggestions and opinions of our customers, and endeavor to improve lives through greater skill development.

President of HRDKorea, Chairperson of WorldSkills Korea, Representative of Work Tv, Chairperson of KOREATECH. Park,Young-Bum

  • Human Resources Development Service of Korea
  • GIFTS-Global Institute For Transferring Skills
  • Ministry of Employment and Labor
  • Worldskills Korea
  • On-line Petition for Foreigners